About the Journal

Focus and Scope

dObra[s] is a journal published by the Brazilian Association of Fashion Studies and Researches (Abepem). It publishes papers, reviews, interviews, and translations approaching fashion, clothing, stage costumes, appearance culture, and their connections with multiple fields of knowledge, such as Humanities, Applied Social Sciences, Literature, Linguistics, and Arts.

This publication aims to disseminate studies and considerations built by professionals and researchers which articulate, analyze, and privilege the understanding of the social, cultural, and economic dimensions of the fashion universe. The journal also has the objective of contributing to spread and consolidate the scientific and academic fashion culture in Brazil and other countries. 

Regarding our editorial policies, dObra[s] prioritizes unpublished and original material, so that at least 80% of the papers in this journal are the results of new academic researches. Along with unpublished works, it is part of our editorial policies to periodically publish again or translate for the first time fundamental texts in the fields of fashion studies, clothing, stage costumes, and appearance culture, as a mean to recover and make available relevant sources of bibliographical research to be used in undergrad and graduation courses. 

Our targeted audience is constituted by researchers, professors, as well as undergrad and graduation students interested in studying the fields of fashion, clothing, appearance culture, and their connections with Humanities, Applied Social Sciences, Literature, Linguistics, and Arts.