Fashion and Queer Theory
unisex and gender neutral
Gender neutral, Unisex fashion, Fashion and resistance, Queer TheoryAbstract
The premise of this work is fashion and body as places of conflict, where resistance and normativity can coexist, through the approach of Michel Foucault. This research proposed to carry out a conceptual discussion about the phenomenon of fashion from the concepts of queer theory, and how they materialize through artifacts. An analysis of images of unisex fashion icon pieces and looks of renowned brands in the gender-neutral fashion market was carried out. In order to understand how representations of gender and normativity are constituted in classic wardrobe, it was necessary to study the concept of unisex fashion and gender neutral (or fluid) fashion, using queer theory authors, such as Judith Butler and Paul Beatriz Preciado. To speak of fashion as a social phenomenon, we used the contemporary look of Gilles Lipovetsky. In the end, we found it is possible to develop fashion collections that help the emergence of new subjects, without opting for the abolition of gender, but rather for the inclusion of those who historically were strangers, ridiculed, marginalized.
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