Her name is Jenifer

fat representativity matters


  • Agnes de Sousa Arruda




Fatphobia, Fat representation, Communication and art, Media


Although fatphobia is understood as the prejudice against fat people, such prejudice is experienced in a much more visceral way among women. The stigma of weight in contemporary society and the media representations of fat women operate in a kind of tug of war, sometimes tending more to one side, sometimes to the other. When studying such representations in a research that combines literature review and content analysis in a complex perspective, it was understood that the idea of fat corporealities permeates precisely the way they are represented in the media, including in this context their clothes. This paper presents, in addition to some of the mechanisms of action of fatphobia in the relationship of weight with the media, a way of deconstructing this prejudice from the non-stigmatized media representation of the fat body, having as example the clip of Jenifer, song by Gabriel Diniz, whose interpretation of the main character was on Mariana Xavier, a fat woman. Issues related to beauty standards with regard to female body size in different cultural contexts are addressed in a study that extrapolates the interrelationships between fat, race and class and whose objective is not only to inscribe fatphobia as an object of studies in the field of communication and arts, as well as promoting the reflection that the deconstruction of this prejudice and the (re)appropriation and reframing of this body necessarily involves the representation of fat women in the most diverse ways and in the most diverse spaces.


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Author Biography

Agnes de Sousa Arruda

Doutora pelo PPG em Comunicação da Universidade Paulista (UNIP-SP). Professora visitante da Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP). Estágio pós-doutoral em andamento pelo PPG em Comunicação e Cultura da Universidade de Sorocaba (UNISO-SP). Professora do PPG em Políticas Públicas e dos c ursos de Comunicação (graduação) da Universidade de Mogi das Cruzes (UMC-SP).


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How to Cite

ARRUDA, A. de S. Her name is Jenifer: fat representativity matters. dObra[s] – revista da Associação Brasileira de Estudos de Pesquisas em Moda, [S. l.], n. 33, p. 75–93, 2021. DOI: 10.26563/dobras.i33.1430. Disponível em: https://dobras.emnuvens.com.br/dobras/article/view/1430. Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


