Renaissance lace as an expression of fashion and culture for social inclusion in the Brazilian northeast
Teaching-learning process, Renaissance lace, Socioeconomic inclusionAbstract
This paper presents the socio-historical path of renaissance lace and its economic- cultural relevance for social inclusion in the city of Poção -PE, in northeastern Brazil. The process of teaching-learning and elaboration of renaissance lace, the exclusivity of work and the social role it plays in local development and socioeconomic empowerment of lacemakers were discussed. The research was bibliographical and exploratory. The renaissance strengthens social integration and public policies in favor of social organization and management processes, as well as the productive and commercial inclusion of lacemakers. Recognizing the role of renaissance lace as a generator of income and the role of women as a promoter of this process is to recognize cultural identity and promote the strengthening of identity of local social participants in order to overcome poverty.
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