Society and culture in the 1970s: cultural emptiness and experimentalism
1970s, culture, experimentalism.Abstract
The texts that usually analyze the 1970s seem to legitimate the utilization of the term cultural emptiness to the period, however, important attempts of filling in this period are juxtaposed and tension it. When such attempts are denied they induce to a univocal and incomplete interpretation, exclusively supported by the perspective delineated in the previous decade, which disconsiders a virtual paradigmatic character of the period and may include important productions under the same mantle for its understanding. When we consider the coexistence between this cultural emptiness and important experimental artistic manifestations, it is possible
to delimitate the transition from a cultural-political paradigm towards another one, marked by a more individualist perspective. A transition which, when transposed to the artistic production, is characterized by resuming more specific problems and intrinsic values of each subject.
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