Sociosemiotic analysis of the ways of dressing in the elderly
Elderly, Fashion, Interaction Regimes, Sociosemiotics, AppearanceAbstract
The act of dressing goes far beyond the aesthetic function, of adorning oneself.These are arrangements that involve choices of fabrics, colors, accessories, allowed movementsand sensations from the touch of clothes. In dressing, affective, historical and social aspects areinterwoven which, if well analyzed, reveal essential characteristics of the expression and identityof the subject and their interaction with clothes. Society, influenced by the ideals of beautyand the search for eternal youth, perceives aging in a dysphoric way. Fashion, in this perspective,appears to cover the aging body and that must be discreet in relation to the younger ones.Is this the only viable path to an ethical choice linked to an aesthetics of existence? This researchaims to understand the meanings of fashion in aging considering the interactions between theelderly and their clothes as practices and ways of living. The analysis considered the interactionsbetween the elderly and their clothes, being carried out from a socio-semiotic approachdeveloped by Greimas, by the dynamic developments of the interaction regimes developed byEric Landowski and by the appearance simulations proposed by Ana Cláudia de Oliveira.
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