Relationships between consumers and branding on social networks
issues of interaction and meaning
Fashion, Sociosemiotics, Interaction regimes, SimulacrumAbstract
The discourses built by contemporary fashion brands transmit more andmore values that constitute especially important traits in the creation of their identity.These values, added to the fashion product itself, are decisive for enunciates to feel impelledto search for the objects of value and to opt for a brand in detriment to the other forsharing the same set of values conveyed by enunciates in their advertising and marketingpractices. Currently, the senses are built in a sociocultural space permeated by a diversityof digital media that dialogue among themselves and make the speed of communicationincreasingly more comprehensive and effective. This ease of integration and interactionmodifies the social conditions of apprehension and production of meaning, strengtheningthe bonds between enunciate and enunciate. The corpus of this research consists of theactions and advertising campaigns run by the enunciator Riachuelo in the period between2017 and 2018, when the repositioning of the brand took place, as well as posts by consumersshowing their pieces and, consequently, the adoption of the proposed lifestyle.The present work seeks to investigate how the interaction between the brand Riachueloand its consumers occurs. For this, it is based on the discursive semiotics of Algirdas. J.Greimas and collaborators, especially Eric Landowski’s interaction and sense regimes. Itwas observed that the advertising campaigns proposed by the enunciator The Riachueloare simulated by various consumers, who can thus feel part of the universe of values andlifestyles created by the brand.
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