
current and past cultural intertwining


  • Maria Pia Pozzato



Semiotics of Culture, Fashion, Modest Fashion


According to Jurij Lotman (2006), the cultural intertwining that characterisethe human behaviour in various periods can be defined as mythology of everyday andsocial behaviour. Starting from this methodological assumption, the article investigatesthe dynamics of covering/uncovering in dress fashion along three paragraphs. The first isdedicated to the link between images of veiling and mourning, both in western Christianand pre-Christian cultures. Protective coverings for COVID, and other recent phenomenasuch as the black dress code of the #MeToo movement, have their roots in this tradition. Inthe second paragraph, the reflection is based on the opposition between / must be seen/vs / must not be seen/, which generates regimes of /constraint/, /taboo/, /transgressivestyle/ / and /casual style/. In the western context it seems that a neutral term has now become established, that is a randomness of styles (/neither transgressive, nor casual/)while the more traditionalist Islam seems to remain within the /taboo/ by imposing onwomen, the use of the veil and body cover, albeit with variations. However, in the thirdand last paragraph I will discuss the so-called Islamic modest fashion, a relatively recentphenomenon that seems to create an unprecedented complex term, which combines thetraditional restrictions for women’s dressing with an increased attention to eleganceand ease of movement. In conclusion, we will reflect on the wider cultural context of thischange, since the hegemony of transgression or randomness of Western customs seem tobe largely declining globally, with further examples in television series and films production.


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Author Biography

Maria Pia Pozzato

Maria Pia Pozzato insegna Metodologie di Analisi presso l’Università di Bologna, Dipartimento di Filosofia e Comunicazione, dove ha conseguito anche il dottorato in Semiotica. Si è occupata di oggetti di studio molto vari fra cui letteratura, televisione, moda, pubblicità, comunicazione giornalistica, cultura del cibo, luoghi urbani, sempre indagati sotto il profilo semiotico. Una sua raccolta di saggi a carattere sociosemiotico è Foto di matrimonio e altri saggi (Bompiani 2012). La sua ricerca più recente verte sulla rappresentazione, tramite disegni, dei luoghi d’origine, e ha dato luogo a due pubblicazioni, Visual and Linguistic Representations of Places of Origin (Springer 2018) e La camera di Henriette. Schizzi, mappe, disegni di luoghi identitari (Meltemi 2020).


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How to Cite

POZZATO, M. P. Covering/uncovering: current and past cultural intertwining. dObra[s] – revista da Associação Brasileira de Estudos de Pesquisas em Moda, [S. l.], n. 31, p. 64–87, 2021. DOI: 10.26563/dobras.i31.1287. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 nov. 2024.



I. Roupa, corpo, moda nas construções de sentido