Sustainability: a practice in fashion education
fashion, sustainability, teaching method.Abstract
This article has the purpose of reporting the experience developed in the course Management of Fashion Product. This course is part of the curriculum of Fashion Design Program at Universidade de Caxias do Sul. The final work for this course intends to make the students experience the whole process of developing a fashion collection. A case is given, students work as a team; they have to plan, organize, share responsabilities, control the activities as scheduled previously, and finally evaluate the results. The case given, in the second school semester of 2008 was about sustainability. The students had to make a fashion collection to be commercialized, with second
hand clothes. The work was a challenge, considering that “nouveau” is the biggest value in fashion. This article describes 70 days and 12 meetings of the course focus on the case. The objective was achieved with success.
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