Invisible Sewing
Inclusive fashion collection inspired by a blind woman
Inclusive fashion, People with visual impairment, Co-wear methodAbstract
This work consists of a case study that addresses inclusive fashion for people with visual impairments, having as its addressed issue the development of an inclusive fashion collection through a co-creation method. This question is justified by data that show that there are more than 6.5 million people with visual impairments in Brazil, and fashion
as an aesthetic and cultural territory of manifestation must also consider the presence of diverse bodies. The objectives of this research are: to present data on people with visual impairment in Brazil; reflect on inclusive fashion; present the Co-wear functional fashion co-creation method; present a clothing proposal that addresses the self-esteem, practicality, comfort and autonomy of these users without differentiating them from consumers in general, understanding them as part of the fashion market. To achieve this, in-depth research procedures and the development of a fashion collection were carried out using the Co-wear method. Throughout the research we found that even with all the technology on the market, there is still a lot to be explored and studied about inclusive fashion design.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Claudia Schemes, Bruna Brogin, Bianca Reis de Moraes
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