Publishing Guidelines

Publishing Guidelines

  1. Our editorial committee accepts original and unpublished articles connected with effective researches or reviews in the fields of Fashion and Arts written by one or more researchers with at least a Master’s Degree (for all and each of the authors).

  2. The articles, interviews and translations submitted either to thematic Dossiers or in continuous flow may have up to three authors. Reviews must have only one author.

  3. The texts should be submitted in their final and definitive version, not being accepted preliminary versions, through the journal’s system after the author makes their registration.

  4. The texts should be the result of researches approaching fashion, costumes, visuals, stage costumes, textile industry, and other related themes. Work which has already been published elsewhere should be accepted only if: [a] their first edition is expired or difficult to be accessed by Brazilian researchers; [b] they are translated to a different language; [c] they are an amplified version of a text presented in a congress; [d] their republishing can be in any other way justified to the Editorial Committee, taking into account the scientific debate in our country.

  5. Texts can be sent in any of the following languages: Portuguese, Spanish, French or English. They should not be simultaneously in evaluation by other journals; if needed, write a “Note to the Editor”

  6. When submitting their text, the author should erase their name and possible mentions of themselves in the bibliographical references. The author’s name, resume, majors and degrees, as well as institutional links, city, and state should be informed when filling out the SEER system, outside the text file.

  7. The author identification of the work should be removed from the file in the Properties option in Word, ensuring the confidentiality of the journal, whenever submitted to peer review. The instructions to remove any identification can be found in Ensuring a Blind Peer Review: with your file open in Word, go to FILE, then PROPERTIES and remove the name of the author.

  8. When submitting the text in the system, present in the appropriate place after the abstract, whenever requested, the professional and academic credentials of the author(s) in up to 5 lines, followed by an email. This information should not be in the file itself, in order to protect the blind peer review.

  9. All the articles will be submitted to two ad hoc reviewers or members of the Scientific Committee. If there is a disagreement regarding the approval of the text, it will be sent back to the author to be reviewed and submitted to the editor. Then, the article will be submitted to a third reviewer. For more information on the peer review system adopted by this journal, please go to Peer Review Process.

  10. The copyrights of the published work belong to the author, and dObra[s] holds the right of the first publication, which will be licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC attribution. 

  11. The authors are responsible for the grammar correction of their articles, interviews, and reviews accepted to be published. When submitting the final version of the text, the author should inform the name, e-mail and degree of the professional who proofread the text for proper credit. Any financial expenses regarding proofreading are also under the responsibility of the author(s).

  12. After the publication of the paper, the author keeps the copyrights and publishing rights of the text. 

  13. The authors are responsible for the content they are submitting, including regarding ethics and originality. They must license the copyrights to dObra[s]. In the event of plagiarism, the work will be immediately excluded from the evaluation process.

  14. If the text is to be republished, the journal should be informed and the disclaimer that the text was first published in dObra[s] must be included.

  15. Obtaining permission to use any images is the responsibility of the author.

  16. The Editorial Committee reserves the rights of making any necessary modification in the texts to fit the visual project of the journal.

  17. All the URLs included in the texts (e.g., must be active and ready to be accessed.

  18. The file must be saved as .doc or .rtf and should be up to 2MB.

  19. Each author can have only one text under evaluation between the submission and the final publishing. A span of 12 months should be observed between the publishing of texts by the same author and a new submission. The objective of this policy is to gather a varied range of authors in the journal.
  20. Dossiers are a group of articles regarding a specific theme; these may be suggested to our Editorial Committee by PhD researchers, who will therefore organize them in a special section comprised of a minimum of 4 (four) unpublished articles; reviews and interviews may also compose Dossiers;

  21. Articles submitted to a Dossier must follow the publishing guidelines established by the journal;

  22. Submissions to a Dossier must respect the established deadline. A call for papers will be published on the journal website, and no submissions intended to compose a Dossier will be accepted after said deadline is over;

  23. The Dossier organizers must be responsible for:
    a. elaborating the call for papers, as well as establishing the theme, objective and scope of the Dossier;

    b. deliberating whether the Dossier will have an “Image Gallery” and, if that is the case, they must invite an artist, photographer, or designer to give way for free the images that are to be published in the Dossier. This section might have an independent curator, who should also be invited by the Dossier organizers;

    c. evaluating how pertinent the articles submitted are to the theme of the Dossier before forwarding them to the reviewers; articles that do not fit the theme should be rejected;

    d. inviting reviewers to perform blind peer evaluation of the texts and check their availability and interest in the task; this should take place up to a month after the end of the call for papers deadline;

    e. all invited reviewers must hold a PhD degree, and their selection should follow criteria to ensure the plurality of the institutions to which they are linked, meaning that articles must be evaluated by reviewers from different institutions, as well as that a reviewer must not evaluate more than two articles per Dossier;

    f. handing over to the Editorial Committee a list of the selected reviewers with their names, institutions, and e-mails, in order for them to be formally invited to review the articles, and later on, for them to receive the articles to be reviewed;

    g. acting on editorial decisions in cases such as divergent evaluations of an article;

    h. elaborating the presentation of the Dossier after receiving the final evaluation of the articles by the reviewers and up to 45 days previous to the publishing date, which will be stipulated on the call for papers.