dObra[s] – Author Guidelines

dObra[s] accepts articles, interviews, translations and reviews which have not been published yet, submitted by researchers with a minimum degree of Master (even when submitting in co-authorship), being them autonomous or linked to a public or private institution. Articles on fashion, costumes, design, bodies, communication, arts and humanities are welcome.

The texts can be written in Portuguese, English, Spanish, Italian, or French and typed in Microsoft Word (.doc) text editor.

The guidelines for submitting articles, interviews, and reviews to this journal are:


The article length should be between 5.000 and 9.000 words and include the title, abstract (between 100 and 250 words) and keywords (3 to 5) in Portuguese and English. Articles in any language other than Portuguese should present title, abstract and keywords in the original language, Portuguese and English.

Abstract and keywords should be typed in Arial font, size 12, justified and single-spaced.

Page format: A4. Margins: upper and left edges, 3 cm; lower and right edges, 2 cm.

Titles of sections should be typed in Arial font, size 12, single-spaced, aligned to the left and boldfaced. Subtitles of sections should be typed in Arial font, size 12, single-spaced, aligned to the left and in italics. Both for titles and subtitles, there should be a blank line between the title/subtitle and the following paragraph, as well as between the title/subtitle and the previous paragraph.

The body of the text should be typed in Arial font, size 12, single-spaced, justified and with a 1,25 cm indentation in the first line of each paragraph.

Pages should be enumerated consecutively, including the bibliographical references.

Direct quotes with up to 3 lines should come inside double quotes in the body of the text. Direct quotes longer than 3 lines should be dislocated from the body of the text with a 4 cm indentation on the left margin and typed in Arial font, size 10, single-spaced and justified.

Images, graphics, charts, and tables should be put in the body of the article, and also sent separately at the moment of the submission via the submission system in high resolution and in .TIFF or .JPG formats.

The references for the tables, charts, images, and graphics should be in their caption, following the ABNT NBR 6023:2018 guidelines.

Bibliographical references should come at the end of the text in alphabetical order and following the ABNT NBR 6023:2018 guidelines. In cases of translated works, the translator should also be credited in the reference description.

Explanatory notes should be concise and informative, and be presented and endnotes, typed in Arial font, size 9, simple-spaced and justified.


Reviews should have only one author and may be on books, exhibitions, events, stage costumes, dance performances or movies released or exhibited in Brazil (up to 2 years after release) and abroad (up to 3 years after release), and have up to 2.500 words.

The title should be presented in Portuguese and English, and the data of the work reviewed should be as follows:

[data of the reviewed work – if it is a book – below these data, insert the cover of the book]

SURNAME, Name. Title. Translation. City: Publisher, year.

[data of the reviewed work – if it is an exhibition]

Title of the exhibition

Curatorship: Name and surname

Place and period: venue, city/state/country. From xx to xx of month, year.

[data of the reviewed work – if it is an event]

Name of the event

Organization: Name and surname of the people or institution organizing the event.

Place and period: venue, city/state/country. From xx to xx of month, year.

[data of the reviewed work – if it is a movie]

Title of the movie

Directed by: Name and surname. Produced by: Name and surname. Cast: Name and surname of the main cast. Written by: Name and surname.

City and/or country: Producing companies, year.

[data of the reviewed work – if it is a show]

Title of the show

Directed by: Name and surname. Produced by: Name and surname. Actors/dancers: Name and surname of the main actors/dancers. Text/dramaturgy/choreography: Name and surname.

City and/or country: Producing company, year.

Page format: A4. Margins: upper and left edges, 3 cm; lower and right edges, 2 cm.

Titles of sections should be typed in Arial font, size 12, single-spaced, aligned to the left and boldfaced. Subtitles of sections should be typed in Arial font, size 12, single-spaced, aligned to the left and in italics. Both for titles and subtitles, there should be a blank line between the title/subtitle and the following paragraph, as well as between the title/subtitle and the previous paragraph.

The body of the text should be typed in Arial font, size 12, single-spaced, justified and with a 1,25 cm indentation in the first line of each paragraph.

Pages should be enumerated consecutively, including the bibliographical references.

Direct quotes with up to 3 lines should come inside double quotes in the body of the text. Direct quotes longer than 3 lines should be dislocated from the body of the text with a 4 cm indentation on the left margin and typed in Arial font, size 10, single-spaced and justified.

Images, graphics, charts, and tables should be put in the body of the article, and also sent separately at the moment of the submission via the submission system in high resolution and in .TIFF or .JPG formats.

The references for the tables, charts, images, and graphics should be in their caption, following the ABNT NBR 6023:2018 guidelines.

Bibliographical references should come at the end of the text in alphabetical order and following the ABNT NBR 6023:2018 guidelines. In cases of translated works, the translator should also be credited in the reference description.

Explanatory notes should be concise and informative, and be presented and endnotes, typed in Arial font, size 9, simple-spaced and justified.


The interview length should be between 1,500 and 3,500 words. The questions and answers should be preceded by a presentation text between 200 and 500 words long.

Page format: A4. Margins: upper and left edges, 3 cm; lower and right edges, 2 cm.

Titles of sections should be typed in Arial font, size 12, single-spaced, aligned to the left and boldfaced. Subtitles of sections should be typed in Arial font, size 12, single-spaced, aligned to the left and in italics. Both for titles and subtitles, there should be a blank line between the title/subtitle and the following paragraph, as well as between the title/subtitle and the previous paragraph.

The body of the text should be typed in Arial font, size 12, single-spaced, justified and with a 1,25 cm indentation in the first line of each paragraph.

Pages should be enumerated consecutively, including the bibliographical references.

Direct quotes with up to 3 lines should come inside double quotes in the body of the text. Direct quotes longer than 3 lines should be dislocated from the body of the text with a 4 cm indentation on the left margin and typed in Arial font, size 10, single-spaced and justified.

Images, graphics, charts, and tables should be put in the body of the article, and also sent separately at the moment of the submission via the submission system in high resolution and in .TIFF or .JPG formats.

The references for the tables, charts, images, and graphics should be in their caption, following the ABNT NBR 6023:2018 guidelines.

Bibliographical references should come at the end of the text in alphabetical order and following the ABNT NBR 6023:2018 guidelines. In cases of translated works, the translator should also be credited in the reference description.

Explanatory notes should be concise and informative, and be presented and endnotes, typed in Arial font, size 9, simple-spaced and justified.


There is no minimum limit of words for the translations.

For references and quotations, the data from the original text should be kept, as well as how they are written. The presentation, however, should follow the guidelines of this journal.

Page format: A4. Margins: upper and left edges, 3 cm; lower and right edges, 2 cm.

Titles of sections should be typed in Arial font, size 12, single-spaced, aligned to the left and boldfaced. Subtitles of sections should be typed in Arial font, size 12, single-spaced, aligned to the left and in italics. Both for titles and subtitles, there should be a blank line between the title/subtitle and the following paragraph, as well as between the title/subtitle and the previous paragraph.

The body of the text should be typed in Arial font, size 12, single-spaced, justified and with a 1,25 cm indentation in the first line of each paragraph.

Pages should be enumerated consecutively, including the bibliographical references.

Direct quotes with up to 3 lines should come inside double quotes in the body of the text. Direct quotes longer than 3 lines should be dislocated from the body of the text with a 4 cm indentation on the left margin and typed in Arial font, size 10, single-spaced and justified.

Images, graphics, charts, and tables should be put in the body of the article, and also sent separately at the moment of the submission via the submission system in high resolution and in .TIFF or .JPG formats.

The references for the tables, charts, images, and graphics should be in their caption, following the ABNT NBR 6023:2018 guidelines.

Bibliographical references should come at the end of the text in alphabetical order and following the ABNT NBR 6023:2018 guidelines. In cases of translated works, the translator should also be credited in the reference description.

Explanatory notes should be concise and informative, and be presented and endnotes, typed in Arial font, size 9, simple-spaced and justified.


Images should be public domain. Otherwise, authors should ascertain they have permission to use the images by presenting a written authorization by the image author for it to be published in this journal. They should be digitalized in .TIFF or .JPG, with 20 cm width (and proportional height), resolution of 300 dpi and should be identified to be linked to the captions and credits. The references/credits of images should be in full in the caption, according to the ABNT 6023:2018 guidelines.


Only texts in complete accordance with the guidelines described will be evaluated.

The texts shall be evaluated by two ad hoc experts. If there is a disagreement between them, a third ad hoc expert should be reached to offer a third opinion.

The texts selected can be published in any issue of dObra[s], the author being previously notified about the publishing.


By authorizing the dissemination of the text in dObra[s], the author grants the rights of first publishing, including in electronic media.  However, upon acceptance of the editors, the author has the permission to publish the text in other media, print or digital, in Portuguese or translated to any other language, as long as the journal receives the due credits.

The author should send a small résumé up to 300 words long (including spaces).

If s/he wants to, the author can offer a contact email.

The content of the text is of exclusive responsibility of the author.

By sending the text, the author is aware and in accordance with all the specifications described above. 

• Article

• Review

• Translation

• Interview