Slim bodies, naked bodies: fashion in Rio de Janeiro’s illustrated press and the dissemination of a new aesthetic body (1920-1940)
Body, Gender, Press, FashionAbstract
This article aims to present dialogues about the new standards of Brazilian women’s bodies visible in the 1920’s by considering an analysis in the fashion displayed in Rio de Janeiro’s magazines Para todos, Careta and O Malho. The 1920’s/1940’s is a pe-riod of significant social, cultural and economic changes in Brazil and it is also the context where the development of the discourses around corporal and sports practices contribu-ted to the idea of corporal care as something related to health, beauty and productivity. The analysis of the magazines is based on a theoretical discussion that intertwines body history, gender issues, fashion, medical and normative discourses. Thus, authors such as Georges Vigarello (2011), Denise Sant’anna (2016), Carmen Lúcia Soares (2011) and Mi-chel Foucault (1999) are considered. The results reveal the construction of gazes based on conventions and stereotypes, limiting individual and social possibilities, for the image of women, whether in photography, text or illustration. The images included in the maga-zines reaffirm the dominant cultural values, including the hierarchy between the sexes.Downloads
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