Value Creation and Assemblage: Nerd Universe Connections
Value Creation, Assemblage, Geek universe, Interpretivist researchAbstract
This interpretivist research aims to understand connections and elements that form the geek universe assemblage as well as its value creation process. It uses theoretical articles associated with value creation (ARSEL, 2015) and assemblage theory (DELANDA, 2006). As a methodological procedure, participant, and non-participant observations (JORGENSEN, 1989) were conducted at geek universe events and in-depth interviews (MCCRACKEN, 1988). The collected material was transcribed and organized with Microsoft Word. In the data analysis, the thematic analysis served as inspiration (BRAUN; CLARKE, 2012) and five major themes were identified: i) Geek identification: gradual connection and materiality-oriented; ii) Geek identity and consumption: recognition connection; iii) Geek identity and consumption: emotional and belonging connection; iv) Geek identity and consumption: perennial connection and for exhibition and v) Geek identity and consumption: connection mediated by physical space.
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