Hollywood cinema dresses
movies, fashion, hollywood diva, timelessness, imaginary.Abstract
This article intends to show the importance of communication between movie and audience, memory, imagery and unconscious identification caused by the film, from the continuity of a piece which belongs to women’s clothing – the dress – whose symbolic representation is femininity. The study was based on two exponents of the Hollywood cinema of the 1950s – Rita
Hayworth and Marilyn Monroe, diva representatives of the concept –, but also the relevance of the costumes worn by them, which have become timeless as they perpetuate in the female imaginary and in the contemporary wardrobe.
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FILMOGRAFIA Davy Crockett, o rei da fronteira. Davy Crockett: king of the wild frontier. Direção: Norman Foster. EUA: Walt Disney Productions, 1955.
Gata em teto de zinco quente. Cat on a hot tin roof. Direção: Richard Brooks. EUA: Avon Productions/MGM, 1958.
Gigi. Gigi. Direção: Vincente Minnelli. EUA: Arthur Freed Production/MGM, 1958.
Gilda. Gilda. Direção: Charles Vidor. EUA: Columbia Tristar, 1946.
O pecado mora ao lado. The seven year ltch. Direção: Billy Wilder. EUA: Billy Wilder/Charles Feldman, 1955.
Um lugar ao sol. A place in the sun. Direção: George Stevens. EUA: George Stevens/Paramount Pictures, 1951.
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