“This is so Aesthetic!”: the aestheticization of the fashion image from Look of the day on Instagram to Get Ready with Me on TikTok





Aesthetic, Aestheticization, Look of the day, Get ready with me, Consumption


The aestheticization of the world has been explicit through social medias. The term Aesthetic has been used to describe the harmonious composition of lifestyle, cultural references, habits and customs in online profiles on platforms such as Instagram and TikTok. In the photo and video production applications chosen for this study, the behavior of users strengthens artist capitalism, which consists of stylizing goods and services in order to move the market in the incessant search that involves subjects reflecting on the power of consuming images and acquisition of new products in order to belong to Aesthetics social groups based on tastes, values and ways of presenting oneself to the world. This article seeks to investigate how the tags “Look of the Day” and “Get Ready with Me” favor individuals in their search for continuous aesthetic experiences to build their self-image in the first two decades of the 21st century. Highlighting thinkers such as Lipovetsky, Serroy, Hegel and Maffesolli – the questions raised here, in a comprehensive perspective, interpret the power of Instagram and TikTok together with Pinterest as repositories and renewable collections of the contemporary fashion image.


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Author Biography

Helena Gabrielle Souza Ribeiro

Mestre em Desenho, Cultura e Interatividade (UEFS). Doutoranda em Cultura e Sociedade (UFBA). helenagabriellesr@gmail.com.
Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/3477615754129120


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How to Cite

SOUZA RIBEIRO, H. G. “This is so Aesthetic!”: the aestheticization of the fashion image from Look of the day on Instagram to Get Ready with Me on TikTok. dObra[s] – revista da Associação Brasileira de Estudos de Pesquisas em Moda, [S. l.], n. 39, p. 201–225, 2023. DOI: 10.26563/dobras.i39.1512. Disponível em: https://dobras.emnuvens.com.br/dobras/article/view/1512. Acesso em: 3 dec. 2024.


