Peripheral Bodies are an Equivocation! About the impossibility of burying the arrival of the favela on the fashion catwalks
Fashion, Favela é Moda, Translation of worlds, PeripheryAbstract
A fashion documentary that narrates the creation of a model agency in Favela do Jacarezinho, north of Rio de Janeiro city. The fashion shows that have, in recent years, diversified the colors, traits and textures of the bodies that compose them. The idea of the “law of peoples”, which Achille Mbembe develops to say about the places that are given to each body in the colonial division of the world. The Multinaturalism that, offered by Eduardo Viveiros de Castro,
appears as a counterpoint to Western multiculturalist modes, and brings the Equivocation as a possibility of multiple voices in place of univocal discourses of the world. Ailton Krenak and Denilson Baniwa, with the cosmologies of their peoples that awaken the desire to understand the phenomena of the West through other perspectives. Aparecida Vilaça and the accounts she offers us about the shamanism of the Wari’ people. The idea of worlds’ translation, present in some indigenous cosmologies, comes as an alternative to thinking about Western phenomena. It is at the junction of all this that this writing stands. An attempt, an ongoing exercise to look at the arrival of peripheral bodies on fashion catwalks, inspired by non-westernized ways of understanding
the world and its relationships. A hopeful proposal for new readings and appropriations of the world, which meet the ethical, aesthetic, political and sensitive calls of today.
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SPFW em: Acesso em: 17/04/2022
SPFW em: Acesso em: 17/04/2022
SPFW em:,MUL1161691-5605,00-SPFW+QUER+COTA+DE+DE+MODELOS+NEGROS+EM+DESFILES.html Acesso em: 17/04/2022
Traduções Episódio 5 em: Acesso em: 21/09/2021
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