Handmade fashion tools as a methodological proposal for research in Social Psychology
Fashion, Psychology, Methodology, Stitch-back, DecolonialityAbstract
This article corresponds to the methodological proposal used in research that resulted in a doctoral thesis in Social Psychology. The tool offers possibilities for collaborative approaches to the fields of fashion and psychology. The decolonial perspective of knowledge production, which reveals the location from the researcher’s point of view, provides support for the construction of this methodology. Named after craftsmanship, the ‘point-back’ methodology considers that different forms of relationship with clothing produce different fashions, in the plural, as Social Psychology has already been understood since Rosane Neves da Silva’s (2004) reference. Based on Heloisa Helena Santos’ problematization of the concept of fashion (2019), the reflection on colonizing modes of subjectivation made by Frantz Fanon (1983), and considering the power of the self-nomination of subalternized people and groups based on Patricia Hill Collins’ proposal (2019), the article proposes intersections of these fields from the semantic repertoire to material tools.
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