Body, performance, and fashion advertising photography: the aura of luxury in youth and popular market brands
Fashion, Advertising Photography, Body, Lux, Popular fashionAbstract
Fashion advertising photography, through its aesthetic arrangements, seeks to produce the meaning of the brand, its identity and personality. In these images, the body and performance become important elements in the production of fashion, especially in the construction of an aura of luxury in advertising messages from brands in the young and popular market. The aim of this article is to investigate how the performing body is articulated in advertising photographs of contemporary fashion, producing aesthetic arrangements and effects of a sense of luxury in popular and young fashion brands. As a main result, it appears that the images addressed have indicators that point to a certain pattern that characterizes the aura and the effects of luxury in photographs of advertising campaigns in the youth market and popular market: one of them is the performing body. The bodies are articulated to account for the brand identity and the behavior of the audience for which the campaign is intended.
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